
Congratulations to the company's pillow packaging machine into the production pr

    2016 is destined to write a wonderful stroke in the growth history of Guangzhou Ximei Decoration Materials Co., Ltd., in order to enhance product image and stabilize product quality. Mr. Jiang led the company's team to the market and found that pillow bags have become mainstream in the food industry, and pillow bags not only package beautifully, but also close the function of the product. Although the new packaging will increase the cost, but improving the product quality and image is the company's consistent policy, so Jiang Zonghe company team decided to start the packaging machine after inspection. Mr. Jiang personally participated in the debugging of the machine, led the production department to quickly understand and familiarize himself with the machine production, and now can be batch packaging production, about to be put on the market. Stay tuned!

Telephone: 400-600-5839    Fax: 86-020-39148998    Address: 廣州市白云區(qū)人和鎮(zhèn)建清街3號
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